Frostflake’s Zuper Zoe
CH N/N (free), HZ N/N (free), Mdr1 +/+ free
DM N/DM, DNA test, MH, Tänder: Komplett saxbett, Höjd: 58,5 cm
Långhårig tik född 2019.03.24
Stamtavla – Pedigree
KORAD 438p Svensk Utställnings Champion Dansk Utställnings Champion Blaidd Gwyn Thunderstorm Freke HD AA; ED 0 Mdr1 +/+, DM N/DM 8 x BIR, 2 x BIM, 18 x Excellent 7 x Cert, 2x Cacib BPH, MH Helt skottfast! Import Norway | N UCH FA BH, BSL3, IPO 1I Vi’ka Caoz HD B, ED 0 Import Denmark | IPO 3, AUT CH Gringo of White Finess HD B, ED 0 |
Cirkeline HD AA, ED 00 | ||
Heyoka Du Domaine Des Collines Blanches HD B, ED 0 Import France | Vasten du Domaine Des Collines Blanches HD AA, ED 00 | |
Blanche du Domaine des Collines Blanches HD AA, ED 00 | ||
KORAD 403p Svensk Utställnings Champion Frostflakes’s Ophelia HD BB, ED 00 Mdr1 +/+, DM N/N 12x Excellent 4x Ck 3x Cert (Fullcertad) 1x Cacib 3x BIM MH Helt skottfast | DW’S Teo Torriatte HD AA, ED 00 Imp Holland | NL BE W!2 Zucchero Meldolesi HD AA; ED 00 Imp. Italy |
Strawberry Ice v Vlerckensteijn HD AA; ED00 | ||
SUCH Frostflake’s Grace Kelly HD AA, ED 00 | Lothians Vencer Kann Schimmelpfeng HD AA; ED 00 Imp Brazil | |
Zena Of White Condor HD BB;ED 00 |
Resultat – Results
2023-09-16 | Tomelilla | Excellent |
2023-09-02 | Löttorp | Excellent |
2023-08-13 | Ronneby | Excellent, Ck, Nordic Cert BIR |
2023-07-08 | Tvååker | Excellent, Ck, BIM |
2023-07-07 | Tvååker Int. | Excellent, Ck, R-Cacib |
2023-07-02 | Borås Rasspecial | Excellent, Ck, 2:a bästa tik |
2023-07-02 | Exteriörbeskrivning | Godkänd |
2023-07-01 | Borås | Excellent, Ck |
2021-10-17 | Sjöbo | MH |
2019-08-16 | Bjuv | BIR-valp, Best in Show 2! |
2019-09-15 | BIR-valp |
Hälsa – Health
Foton – Photos